Swedish International Small Print Exhibition Another superb result. I won my first RSF gold medal ( Swedish Photographic Association) with the image "Afrique". It is the 2. time in a very short time this image acheive gold in a small print competition.
Around 330 autors participated with aprox. 2500 image.I participated with 8 images and had 2 acceptances, an acceptance rate of 25%, You will also follow me on instagram www.instagram.com/rytterphotograph.

Guld i Sverige - Swedish International Small Print Exhibition Endnu et godt resultat. Jeg vandt min første RSF guldmedalje(Riksförbundet Svensk Fotografi), for billedet "Afrique". Det er 2. gang på kort tid at dette billede opnår guldmedalje.
Der deltog omkring 330 fotografer med i ca. 2500 billeder. Jeg deltog med 8 billeder og fik 2 antaget antaget, dermed opnåede jeg 25% i antagelsesrate hvilket må anses for godkendt.