First time participation for "Sister of Temptation" and it won a HPSC gold medal. I also bagged FIAP Diploma for "Stretching" and GPU Diploma for "Afrique" and I had 4 new works accepted.
I participated with 48 images (12 images in four salons) I had 19 images accepted, an acceptance rate of 40%, I consider this result approved. Special thanks goes to the model, without her, there would have been no gold medal.

HPSC guld i 4th Olympic Photo circuit 2016 - Grækenland
"Sister of Temptation" deltog for første gang og vandt en HPSC guld medalje, desuden blev der FIAP diplom til "Stretching og GPU diplom til "Afrique", og jeg fik 4 nye værker antaget.
Da det var en 4 salon circuit deltog jeg med 48 billeder(12*4). Jeg opnåede 19 antagelser, hvilket gav en antagelsesrate på 40%. Bestemt et acceptabelt resultat. Follow me on instragram